If you have expensive clothes that you’re keeping in your closet, be it evening wear, couture, or clothing for special occasions, you’re going to want to give these garments a little more care when it comes to storing them. The last thing you want to have happen is for these items to get ruined because you didn’t put them in your closet correctly.
To help you in doing this, here are three tips for storing expensive clothing in your closet.
Invest In Quality Garment Bags
Regardless of the size of your closet, whether it’s a walk-in wardrobe or not, you’re going to want to keep all of your precious or expensive items in a garment bag. However, not all garment bags will do the job the same way.
Ideally, you should put your expensive clothing in garment bags that are made from a breathable material, like muslin. If you leave clothes in the plastic bags that they come back from the dry cleaners in, that bag can trap gasses in with the clothes and lead to discoloration. So for your clothes to remain free from stains or from getting too close to other articles of clothing in the closet, it’s best to keep anything that you’re wanting to protect in a quality garment bag.
Use Tissue Paper Wisely
Tissue paper can be another great way to protect your expensive clothing as well.
If the expensive clothing has anything on the fabric or material, like beads, jewels, or the like, covering those pieces with acid-free tissue paper will help keep those parts of the clothes protected and in place. Additionally, if you’re worried about the clothes keeping their shape and not having to be pressed again before you wear it, stuffing the sleeves or the bodice of the clothes with more tissue paper can help it keep its shape.
Keep Clothes And Shoes Separate
While you might like the idea of keeping all of your clothes and shoes in your closet so that everything you wear is all together, if you’re putting very nice clothing into your closet, you might want to think twice about keeping your shoes in there.
With your expensive clothes in garment bags, you likely won’t have to worry about anything on your shoes getting onto these clothes. But if your shoes don’t smell nice, the scent could seep into the other clothes in your closet that are by your shoes. And if your expensive, fancy clothes are by those stinky shoes, you might find that those clothes stink when you go to wear them. So if you can manage it, try to either keep your shoes in their own shoe bags or store them in a separate location.
If you have expensive clothes that you’re keeping in your closet, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you protect those clothes as best you can.